Important Dates 

Tuesday October 31 - UCHSK Year 6 Transition Day

Wednesday November 1 - Interschools Oztag Excursion Year 6 

Sunday November 5 - Kaleen Fest 

Michelle Northey 

Acting Principal

Leadership Message

Dear Kaleen Community,

It has been a positive and productive start to Term 4 and much has been achieved over the past few weeks. Students are currently completing their final assessments and will soon be celebrating their 2023 personal growth and achievements. Today we officially celebrate World Teachers’ Day, but thanks to our magnificent P&C we will celebrate ‘KPS STAFF APPRECIATION DAY’ on Monday 30 October. I’d like to thank (in advance) our wonderful P&C for providing an amazing morning tea and messages of support. I am proud of our talented teaching team who always go above and beyond for our incredible school. Your ongoing support and gratitude is greatly appreciated by our staff! 

Class Placement for 2024

It is that time of year when we start the process of allocating students into classes for 2024. These allocations are based on friendships, learning dispositions, individual needs and personalities. When considering classes, there are many factors we take into account and classroom teachers work hard to create cohesive and balanced classes for the following year. Children are given the opportunity to nominate five peer learners with whom they would like to share a class next year. The peer lists will be completed in class by the children at a suitable time. Children are guaranteed to have at least one of the peers they nominate with them in 2024. We encourage you to talk with your child about who they learn best with and who they might like to be in a class with for the following year.

I believe that teachers are in the best position to decide a child’s placement because they know all the children and how they function within our school environment. Parents also have the opportunity to provide information regarding their own child and any details that may impact their child's class placement. Whilst this information will be considered seriously, there are no definite guarantees regarding parent requests as there is much to consider when formulating classes

We welcome Parents/Carers to complete this Google form to inform us of anything that they feel needs to be considered, for their own child’s well-being or development. Please be aware that requests for particular teachers cannot be accommodated on most occasions.

Our goal is to work with you to get the best outcomes for your child. Access to this Google Form will close on Friday 17 November 2023.

Kaleen Writers Festival - Overall Winners

Harry Laing (local author) has been our critical friend throughout the 2023 Writer’s Festival. He happily took on the role as independent judge, reading through 21 teacher selected student entries before deciding on 4 overall winners across the school. He commented that it was a lot of fun to read all the entries and that we have some great writers at Kaleen Primary School. Harry also kindly donated 4 of his books as part of the prize and made time to congratulate our winners and present them with their prizes.

Here are the names of the overall winners, with feedback from Harry.

K/1 section – Hugo K (1HT)

“I loved Hugo’s story of the aliens that needed to be moist (The Aliens) and who ended up eating the school.”

Yrs 2-4 section - David F (4AP) and Josephine C (4JS)

David F’s story ‘The Shadow’ is extremely well written and imaginative with some highly poetic lines ‘it was made of pure shadow and darkness with no emotion.’ He gets the aliens in there and yet creates a world entirely his own. Well done.”

“I also really like The Magpie by Joey. I enjoy the fun with language and rhyming.”

Yrs 5/6 section – Elle L (5KT)

“Elle L’s story ‘Fearless’ was an original, brave and emotionally action-packed piece of writing, with a hopeful ending. Excellent.”

A huge congratulations to our winners!

Finally, It’s been a busy couple of weeks with many school excursions and Year 5 camp. I’d like to thank all of our staff for providing the students with these fabulous opportunities. Also, many thanks to our parent/carer community for keeping up with all the notes and messages on Seesaw that are being sent home. What a great team we are!

Bye for now,


Excursion Fun! 

Kindergarten - Excursion to Mulligans Flat 

Kindergarten went of their first excursion of the year to Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary. On their excursion they saw different animals in their habitats and explored the woodlands. They even got to pet a lizard! 

Year 2 - Excursion to The Botanic Gardens 

Year 2 went on an excursion to the Botanic Gardens. On their excursion, they learned about the Indigenous use of daily science and the Australian ecosystems through a guided tour. 

Year 3 - Excursion to The Arboretum

Year 3 went on an excursion to the Arboretum. On their excursion they explored cultural perspectives and sustainability through a guided nature walk, the significance of Bonsai gardening and developed their orienteering skills. 

Year 4 - Excursion to Lanyon Homestead

Year 4 went on an excursion to Lanyon Homestead. The students learned all about the homestead and the many convicts who helped build and run the sheep station for Mr Wright, the landowner. They even got to try their hands at BEING a convict and engaged in some of the work that they would have made up their days with.

Japanese Choir 

Check out our wonderful Japanese Choir singing Tangerine Hill, Remember me (From the movie COCO) and Always With Me (From the movie Spirited Away)

Tangerine Hill.MOV
Remember me (from "COCO").MOV
Always With Me (from "Spirited Away").MOV

P&C News


5 November 2023


Only 9 more sleeps until KaleenFest!


We want to ensure everyone is up to date with information and is as excited as we are about the big event. See some important FAQ below.


Raffles- Friday 27 October from 2:45-3:15 pm is the last chance to pre purchase raffle tickets in person. 


Don’t worry if you don’t make it in person, you can also purchase tickets on the day from the raffle tent or online. Click on this link for online purchasing.

Please note- All online purchasing will close COB Tuesday 31 October.


We are excited to give away so many incredible prizes. For a small price, you could win big!

Raffle tickets can be purchased from our raffle tent on the day of the event or pre-purchased using this LINK

Ticket prices are as follows:

For a few dollars you could win BIG!


Click HERE to view some of the prize packs up for grabs!


We are very excited and cannot wait to share in the fun with you all!

Other Information-

Are you feeling a bit unsure about the expense of attending KaleenFest or about entertainment options for little ones?


Don’t worry, we have you covered! We will be offering a variety of free activities as well as paid ones too.

See the list below for some fun but free activities we will have on offer for all ages:

Hero's Corner

If you would like to have your child's achievement acknowledged here, please email a short blurb to 

Helpful Links 

Learning doesn't just happen in the classroom.

The Kaleen Primary School Home Learning Hub is a resource for families to support their child in continuing their educational journey outside the classroom.

This includes:

Reading Eggs 

ABC Reading Eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. 

Little People's Literacy Learning 

Australian Literacy Educators' Association has developed a series of modules to support parents and carers with activities that can be shared with children. The activities have been designed with an emphasis on learning through collaborative play and shared discovery.  

Kaleen Reading Strategies Overview.mpg

 Kaleen Primary School - Supporting Reading at Home

Reading Comprehension Strategies Video

Wellbeing Matters

Mindfulness Matter

Schools continue to be very busy places! Although our busyness can often be positive with lots of learning, we may also become tired, worried and overwhelmed at times. It can be helpful to pause for a moment and take a deep breath. Research suggests even just one deep mindful breath can send a message of calm to the brain. In simple terms, mindfulness can be defined as being ‘here’, bringing our attention back from thinking about the past or the future to pay attention to what is here in the present moment. 

At Kaleen, staff have been exploring one mindfulness technique a week as a strategy to help with teaching and learning. The practice of mindfulness can help calm our bodies, restore positive attitudes and help us get back ‘on track’ with learning. We are practising breathing strategies such as Five Finger or Starfish breathing; walking while using our senses to see 5 objects, listen for 4 sounds, smell 3 scents, touch 2 objects and recognise 1 taste in our mouths. 

We have also been trying Smiling Mind, a free App which offers short, guided meditations for adults and children to ‘put a smile on your mind’. Maybe you’d like to try some of these mindfulness techniques at home too. See them below. 

Fiona Manton

Kindergarten Teacher 

Mindfulness strategies reminder ring set

Useful Links 






Contact Us 

Kaleen Primary School

Ph: (02) 6142 1750 

Follow us on Facebook 


IMP Primary Ensembles ENEWS 2024.docx.pdf

Do you have views about mobile phones in the classroom? We want to hear them!

Have YourSay now on the policy options we are considering for student use of mobile phones in ACT public schools. The options being considered range from a put it away restriction during class times to a total ban. This includes a couple of combination options depending on year level.

We also want to know what exemptions and school management options you think should be in place.

All the info about how to participate can be found on the YourSay conversations website:

This will be open until 8 October 2023.